--- title: From Globalization to a Planetary Mindset date_created: 2021-01-04 last_updated: tags: [type/literature/article, governance, world] source_url: https://www.noemamag.com/from-globalization-to-a-planetary-mindset/ --- An article by [[Nathan Gardels]], editor of [[NOEMA]]. The [[Noopolitik]]--a structure of power defined by interdependent nodes in a global mind-- is an alternative to the Realpolitik that has defined power for centuries. Quotes: > Inexorably, a kind of global mind, or “noosphere” as Teilhard de Chardin envisioned it, is emerging. But it is today as much a terrain of contestation rooted in divergent political and cultural tempers, including an ever more differentiating splinternet, as a space of common ground. > The “noopolitik” of the coming era could not be more different than the realpolitik of the last century. Rather than solid nation-states in which elites calculate balances of power, noopolitik is a transparent endeavor open to all manner of connected players in a now gaseous global realm in which nations are attempting to reclaim sovereignty even as the solidity they once assumed diminishes with every passing day. There's this phases-of-matter kind of analogy in the above that's intriguing. The mind is a gas, the nation is solid. Corona is airborne, gaseous. Climate is porous. What's most massive is least dense. "The Cloud." Solid | Gas ------ | ------ Nation-States | Global networks Hard Power | "Soft"/Media Power Traditional InfoTech | "Cloud computing" **Filed in**: [[Literature Notes]] **Related Links**: [[Hauling Democracy Out of the 19th Century]]